Registration your pet

1. Register a card

Registration confirmation only through the messenger, which is registered through your phone number. 3 trackers can be registered to one phone number.

This information is to contact you if your pet is found.
This information is to contact you if your pet is found.
This information is to contact you if your pet is found.
This information is to contact you if your pet is found.
Waiting time

Application processing time is within 48 hours, sometimes it takes longer.

Cashlese Payment

Per sagittis faucibus aad cupidatat, fermentum vivamus turpis eleifend.

Privacy policy

This policy explains in detail how “XPET” use any information collected during any session of usage by you (hereinafter “your information”).

2. Verify your phone number

After you have registered the card and sent, you need to verify the phone number using the messenger.
Send this message to WhatsApp or Telegram – Hello, I registered the card in the XPET project.

HOX REG Service

This site uses two-step registration

Phone number
